
Buzz Number Program in Java

A number is said to be Buzz Number if it ends with 7 or is divisible by 7.
Example: 1007 is a Buzz Number.

Automorphic Number Program in Java

An Automorphic number is a number whose square “ends” in the same digits as the number itself.
Examples: 5*5 = 25, 6*6 = 36, 25*25 = 625

Armstrong Number Program in Java

Armstrong Number is a positive number if it is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits is called Armstrong number and if its sum is not equal to the number then its not a Armstrong number. Armstrong Number Program is very popular in java, c language, python etc. Examples: 153 is Armstrong, (1*1*1)+(5*5*5)+(3*3*3) = 153

Java Operators Program in Java

Java Operators Program in Java

Voting Age Program in Java

A person can votes if age is greater than or equal to 18.

Passing Division Program in Java

Passing Division Program in Java

Leap Year Program in Java

Leap Year is the year that the remaining zero is divided by 4 will be a leap year, but only that century will be a leap year, which is completely divided by 400.

Greatest Number Program in Java

Greatest Number Program in Java

Greater Number Program in Java

Greater Number Program in Java

Even Odd Program in Java

Even Odd Program in Java

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