Java Operators Program in Java
public class JavaOperators
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Example 1:-------------------------------");
// Java Unary Operator Example: ++ and --
int x = 10;
System.out.println(x++); // 10 (11)
System.out.println(++x); // 12
System.out.println(x--); // 12 (11)
System.out.println(--x); // 10
int a = 10;
int b = 10;
System.out.println(a++ + ++a); // 10+12=22
System.out.println(b++ + b++); // 10+11=21
System.out.println("Example 2:-------------------------------");
// Java Unary Operator Example: ~ and !
a = 10;
b = -10;
boolean p = true;
boolean q = false;
System.out.println(~a); // -11 (minus of total positive value which starts from 0)
System.out.println(~b); // 9 (positive of total minus, positive starts from 0)
System.out.println(!p); // false (opposite of boolean value)
System.out.println(!q); // true
System.out.println("Example 3:-------------------------------");
// Java Arithmetic Operator Example
a = 10;
b = 5;
System.out.println(a + b); // 15
System.out.println(a - b); // 5
System.out.println(a * b); // 50
System.out.println(a / b); // 2
System.out.println(a % b); // 0
System.out.println("Example 4:-------------------------------");
// Java Arithmetic Operator Example: Expression
System.out.println(10 * 10 / 5 + 3 - 1 * 4 / 2);
System.out.println("Example 5:-------------------------------");
// Java AND Operator Example: Logical && and Bitwise &
x = 10;
int y = 5;
int z = 20;
System.out.println((x < y) && (x < z)); // false && true = false
System.out.println(x < y & x < z); // false & true = false
System.out.println("Example 6:-------------------------------");
// Java OR Operator Example: Logical || and Bitwise |
a = 10;
b = 5;
int c = 20;
System.out.println((a > b) || (a < c)); // true || true = true
System.out.println("Example 7:-------------------------------");
// Java Ternary Operator Example
a = 2;
b = 5;
int min = (a < b)
? a
: b;
System.out.println("Example 8:-------------------------------");
// Java Assignment Operator Example
a = 10;
b = 20;
a += 4; // a=a+4 (a=10+4)
b -= 4; // b=b-4 (b=20-4)
System.out.println("Example 9:-------------------------------");
// Java Assignment Operator Example
a = 10;
a += 3; // 10+3
a -= 4; // 13-4
a *= 2; // 9*2
a /= 2; // 18/2
Example 1:------------------------------- 10 12 12 10 22 21 Example 2:------------------------------- -11 9 false true Example 3:------------------------------- 15 5 50 2 0 Example 4:------------------------------- 21 Example 5:------------------------------- false false Example 6:------------------------------- true Example 7:------------------------------- 2 Example 8:------------------------------- 14 16 Example 9:------------------------------- 13 9 18 9b. tech. bca icse java java tutorials learn java mca programs