study java

Bubble Sort Program in Java

Bubble Sort Program in Java to sort numbers of an array in ascending or descending order.

Linear Search Program in Java

Linear Search Program in Java

Largest in Array Program in Java

Largest in Array Program in Java

Reverse Array Program in Java

Reverse Array Program in Java

First Array Program in Java

First Array Program in Java

Loop based output questions

Loop based output questions

Java break and continue

Java break is keyword which is used to going out from “switch” and loops(while, do-while, for). Java continue is also a keyword which is used to going to next condition in loops(while, do-while, for) and going to next case in switch.

Java for

When we want to execute a block execute multiple time then we use loop.It executes until condition is true. The for executes a block of code as long as a given condition is true. It has multiple statements. This is very popular in all loops.

Java do while

When we want to execute a block execute multiple time then we use loop.It executes until condition is true. The do – while executes a block of code as long as a given condition is true.

Java while

When we want to execute a block execute multiple time then we use loop.It executes until condition is true. The while executes a block of code as long as a given condition is true.

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